Renal failure (A review)

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Ali Alidadi Elham Taheri Boroujeni


Advanced Renal Failure or ESRD is one of the most serious and growing issues in the community necessitating the delivery of appropriate services to patients suffering from the disease. Carrying out medical interventions in the early stages of chronic renal failure can delay disease progression and reduce mortality. Results of the Literature review were exported to Endnote. Prior to the formal screening process, a calibration exercise was undertaken to pilot and refine the screening. Formal screening process of titles and abstracts were conducted by two researchers according to the eligibility criteria, and consensus method was used for solving controversies among the two researchers. Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is a progressive disease of kidney failure in a period of months to years. Renal failure refers to temporary or permanent kidney damage those results in the loss of normal kidney function. Reduced function of some nephrons causes hypertrophy of other remaining nephrons. The plasma flow in one nephron and the pressure inside the glomeruli increases due to the vasodilatation of the aphrodisiacs. Patients with CKD usually do not show symptoms until GFR decreases down to 15 ml / min. Uremia is a syndrome that affects each organ. Uremic syndrome is probably the result of a series of factors, including retention of molecules, major hormonal deficiencies and metabolic factors, more than the effect of a single uremic poison. Among these toxic compounds, urea can cause fatigue, nausea, vomiting and headache. The product of the decomposition of this material (cyanate) can lead to carbamylation of lipoproteins and peptides and adverse effects which, in turn, disturb several organs.
Key words: Renal failure, CKD, Review

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How to Cite
Alidadi, A., & Boroujeni, E. T. (2018). Renal failure (A review). International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Science Archive, 6(04). Retrieved from
Review Article