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Abdulganee Memon


House sparrows, ‘Passer domesticus1’, do not live in jungles, deserts or places where humans are not
present. The sparrow is a species that has evolved with humans and is always found in and around human
habitations2. The house sparrow is a confirmed hanger on to man ever since human habitation started depending
on agriculture.
The population of house sparrow, the small bird that lives in nest colonies close to human habitats, is threatened
by proliferation of mobile phone towers3. This avian species can still be spotted at over two-thirds of the world's
land surface4. But reports are pouring in from all over India and around the world of rapid decline in the
populations of these once abundant birds. Birds are known to be sensitive to magnetic radiation5. Microwaves can
interfere with their sensors and misguide them while navigating and preying6. This report is about to analyze the
current condition of sparrows and finding out the reasons behind their decline.
India is not the only place where the sparrows have disappeared from the cities. The sparrow, once the exemplar
of a commonplace bird, is becoming increasingly rare in France and other European countries also7. There has been
an even sharper fall in urban populations in Germany, the Czech Republic, Belgium, the Netherlands, Italy and
The root cause of the disappearance of these birds is massive development work which leads to cutting of trees
and mangroves, besides radiation that is troubling many other species also9. The increasing numbers of mobile
service providers and so the increasing numbers of mobile towers has led this drastic situation of loosing sparrows
and other birds10. The things that can help in saving endangered birds from electromagnetic radiation and
providing them favorable environment must be recommended.
KEYWORDS: house sparrows, Passer domesticus, effects of Electro Magnetic Radiations, mobile towers, mobile
service providers, endangering fate of disappearance.

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How to Cite
Memon, A. (2016). PASSER DOMESTICUS- A DISAPPEARING SPECIES DUE TO INCREASING EFFECTS OF ELECTRO MAGNETIC RADIATIONS (EMRS). International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Science Archive, 1(1). Retrieved from
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