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Tejas Pachpute Jayesh Dwivedi Tushar Shelke G. Jeyabalan


Nanospheres are the particles having the size range between 10-200 nm in diameter. Nanospheres can be amorphous or crystalline in nature and also they have the ability to protect the drug from enzymatic and chemical degradation. It has been shown that the hydrophobic surfaces of these particles are highly susceptible to opsonization and clearance by the reticulo endothelial system. The tiny capsule of drug store house is called vesicles and the solid skeleton structure is called Nanospheres. Biodegradable Nanospheres include albumin Nanospheres, modified starch Nanospheres, gelatin Nanospheres, polypropylene dextran Nanospheres and polylactic acid Nanospheres. In addition there are two more types of Nanospheres, immune Nanospheres and magnetic Nanospheres. Immuno-magnetic nanospheres can be prepared by combining the above two kinds of nanospheres, which could significantly improve its targeting.
Key words: Nanospheres, Solvent Evaporation, Solvent displacement technique, Polymerization

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How to Cite
Pachpute, T., Dwivedi, J., Shelke, T., & Jeyabalan, G. (2017). A REVIEW ON NANOSPEHERE FORMULATION. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Science Archive, 5(03). Retrieved from https://ijpba.in/index.php/ijpba/article/view/146
Review Article