Shah Kinjal H
Professor, B. Pharmacy College, Rampura, Gujarat, India.
Patel Piyush M.
Controller of Examination, Gujarat University, India.
Air dried powdered material of the fruits of cedrela toona Roxb. was successively extracted with petroleum ether, hexane, acetone, methanol and water extract by soxhlet extraction and subjected to various qualitative chemical tests to determine presence of various phytoconstituents like alkaloids, glycosides, carbohydrates, phenolics and tannins, phtosterols, fixed oils and fats, proteins, amino acids, flavonoids, saponins etc. The various extracts of fruits of cedrela toona Roxb. were than subjected to thin layer chromatographic studies to identify the number and nature of the chemical constituents present. This study helps researchers for developmentof isolation method of active ingredient having vast pharmacological effects.
Keywords: Cedrela toona, Extracts, Phytoconstituents, TLC