Lannea coromandelica: An Overview

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J. N. Gunjal M. S. Patil K.P. Chittam


Plants serve humans as primary sources for food, shelter and medicines. So understanding the plant uses in treating the diseases is very important for leading a healthier life. Our ancestors have used many plants as medicines and there is a need to provide scientific evidence for the same. Lannea coromandelica from family Anacardiaceae is one of the potent remedial plant. It is known as Modhad or Moi in Vernacular language and is found to be distributed throughout India. It is one of the common plants of deciduous forest and plains .It was extensively used by the tribes all over India to treat various diseases. Many investigations on the chemistry of the plant have been done. This article reviews about the plant L. coromandelica.   
Keywords: Lannea coromandelica , Anacardiaceae

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How to Cite
Gunjal, J. N., Patil, M. S., & Chittam, K. (2021). Lannea coromandelica: An Overview. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Science Archive, 9(1). Retrieved from