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Manoj. R. Bhivate Varsha R. Bhivate P. P. Sambarey


Background: The anterior segment of the eye and ocular adnexa are ideal sites for Mycobacterium leprae to proliferate. The cooler temperature, presence of a rich neurovascular network and possibility of ocular immunologic compartmentalization may be incriminated as the contributing factors to ocular complications of leprosy.
Ocular complications can occur at any stage of the disease despite the treatment and even after treatment is completed.
Aims and objectives:

To study the different ocular manifestations in patients with leprosy.
To identify potentially sight threatening lesions and provide appropriate management.

Materials and methods: The study was done in 75 patients of leprosy visiting dermatology department of a Rural Medical College. After taking written informed consent and recording relevant history, comprehensive general and systemic examination was carried out. Thorough ocular examination was done. Ocular adnexa, extraocular structures and lacrimal sac were carefully examined.
Observations and results: All types of leprosy had ocular involvement. Out of the 75 cases of leprosy studied, ocular involvement was seen in 34 cases (45.33%).Male predominance was seen in both, the number of patients with leprosy and those who had ocular involvement. The ocular involvement increased with increase in the duration of leprosy. Potentially sight threatening lesions seen were seen in 23 patients(67.64%).
Summery and conclusion: The anti-leprosy treatment though has markedly improved the outcome of those affected; ocular involvement can be seen even after completion of anti-leprosy treatment. Many problems can be prevented with early detection and appropriate management.
Keywords: Leprosy, Mycobacterium lepare, Ocular involvement in leprosy

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How to Cite
Bhivate, M. R., Bhivate, V. R., & Sambarey, P. P. (2020). OCULAR INVOLVEMENT IN LEPROSY PATIENTS. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Science Archive, 8(1). Retrieved from https://ijpba.in/index.php/ijpba/article/view/214