Review on; Ethnopharmacological Report of Lantana camara (Linn.)

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Aanchal Gwari Baldev Singh Anamika Romotra Himani Singh


The Lantana camara (Linn.) Plant of the family "Verbenaceae" is reported to have good medicinal properties and high therapeutic potential due to its great functions due to its unique chemical composition in the traditional medicinal system. It is also famous for its ornamental garden plant with around 150 ancient species that are widely used in traditional medicine around the world. Lantana is found in the Tropics and tropical areas of the Americas and elsewhere in Africa and Asia. Knowledge of traditional medicine and medicinal plants and their study of the principles of chemical science can lead to the discovery of new and cheaper medicines. Lantana camara is well­known for its medicinal properties and for its various medicinal properties. This plant is best known as the red sage or wild plant because of its very high variety of conditions even under adverse environmental conditions. Lantana is known for having a sexual and asexual production system. These studies have established the therapeutic potential of Lantana camara in modern medicine as well as the potential victim to drug discovery. This review provides a summary of L. camara's ethnobotany, phytochemistry, pharmacology and toxicology.
The current review aims to document morphology, dissemination, phytochemistry and L. Camara and its future hope for further scientific research to develop effective therapeutic combinations.
Keywords: Lantana camara, Ornamental plant, Phytochemistry, Ethanopharmacological reports.

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How to Cite
Gwari, A., Singh, B., Romotra, A., & Singh, H. (2021). Review on; Ethnopharmacological Report of Lantana camara (Linn.). International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Science Archive, 9(5). Retrieved from