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Radha Chaudhary


Background: In both industrialised and progressive countries, post-partum hemorrhage may occur in 1-5% of child births. It continues to be the most common reason of mother morbidity and mortality. When advising women on where to give birth, doctors must be aware of the risk elements for PPH and should take these into consideration.
Aims & objectives: A tertiary institute's post-partum hemorrhage subjects were the subject of the current research to examine risk variables.
Material and Methods: The current research was an observational, prospective, institute-based study that involved pregnant women older than 18 who gave birth at our institute and were diagnosed with post-partum hemorrhage.
Results: During the two-year study duration, 9784 births took place at our institute; 172 subjects (1.76%) experienced post-partum hemorrhage; the maximum of these subjects were between the ages of 21 and 24, followed by the 25 to 29 age category (31.4%). The study category's average age was 23.26± 3.46 years. Severe anaemia (Hb 7 gm%) (36.05%), previous LSCS (26.74%), hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (22.09%), premature membrane rupture (17.44%), hypothyroidism (17.44%), abruptio placentae (17.44%), prolonged labour (15.12%), and placenta previa (15.12%) were all common risk elements in the current study. Bi-lateral uterine vessel ligation (45.35%), bi-lateral uterine vessel ligation + bi-lateral internal iliac vessel ligation (9.30%), obstetric hysterectomy (15.12%), and perineal tear repair (9.30%) were the only interventions other than more than two uterotonics (100.00%) and more than two PCV blood transfusions (84.88%). Six subjects died, it was noted (atonic PPH – 3 cases, mixed PPH 2 cases, placenta accreta spectrum- 1 case).
Conclusion: Age between 21 and 24 years, primiparity, severe anaemia (Hb 7 gm%), prior LSCS, hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, premature membrane rupture, hypothyroidism, abruptio placentae, delayed labour, and placenta previa were significant risk elements in the current study for post-partum bleeding.
Keywords: risk elements, post-partum hemorrhage, atonic PPH, previous LSCS.

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How to Cite
Chaudhary, R. (2015). A TERTIARY INSTITUTE’S CLINICAL EVALUATION OF RISK VARIABLES IN SUBJECTS WITH POST-PARTUM HEMORRHAGE. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Science Archive, 3(2). Retrieved from https://ijpba.in/index.php/ijpba/article/view/308