Standardization & Hepatoprotective Activity of Citrus sinensis Peels

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Kapil Sharma Harshita Jain M. K. Gupta Abhishek Nagar Nitin Nama Rahul Ancharya


Liver disease accounts for approximately 2 million deaths per year worldwide, one million due to complications of cirrhosis and one million due to viral hepatitis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Cirrhosis is currently the 11th most common cause of death globally and liver cancer is the 16th leading cause of death; combined, they account for 3.5% of all deaths worldwide. Cirrhosis is within the top 20 causes of disability-adjusted life years and years of life lost and account for 1.6% and 2.1% of worldwide burden. About 2 billion people consume alcohol worldwide and upwards of 75 million are diagnosed with alcohol use disorders and are at risk for alcohol associated liver disease. Drug induced liver injury continues to increase as a major cause of acute hepatitis. The liver is a major organ only found in vertebrates which performs many essential biological functions such as detoxification of the organism, and the synthesis of protein and biochemical necessary for digestion and growth.
Citrus sinensis is from Rutaceae family. Rutaceae are herbs, shrubs and trees with glandular punctate, commonly strongly smelling herbage comprising about 150 genera and 1,500 species. Citrus sinensis is one of the most important and widely grown fruit crops, with total global production reported to be around 120 million tons. Orange fruit is cultivated in more than 130 countries including India, UK, France, Germany, Holland, Brazil, China, USA and Spain. Oranges are generally available from winter through summer with seasonal variations depending on the variety.

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How to Cite
Sharma, K., Jain, H., Gupta, M. K., Nagar, A., Nama, N., & Ancharya, R. (2023). Standardization & Hepatoprotective Activity of Citrus sinensis Peels. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Science Archive, 11(4). Retrieved from