Journalism in the Age of Social Media

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Aruna Yadav Deepak Rathee


The extensive usage and acceptance of social media networks is having a profound impact on Indian newsrooms. The massive upheaval that social media has wrought on the media sector inspired the research. Newspapers published between January 2017 and December 2017 were included in the study. Through content analysis of 355 randomly selected copies, we were able to get insight into the pattern of social media citations in the mainstream media. Using in-depth interviews with prominent journalists in editorial positions, this qualitative study sought to comprehend the ways in which major news organizations generate news using social media. Six senior journalists with expertise in both online and conventional news sites were interviewed using an interview schedule. They were all involved in making editorial decisions. Through in-depth interviews conducted before and after mainstream media began using social media, the researcher sought to get a deeper grasp of the news making process.
Key words: journalists; social media; Newsrooms; mainstream media

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How to Cite
Yadav, A., & Rathee, D. (2023). Journalism in the Age of Social Media. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Science Archive, 11(6), 107-113. Retrieved from