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Dr. Jithesh M


Avarana is one of the mechanisms mentioned in the science of Ayurveda to explain the pathogenesis of
diseases, peculiarly due to the vitiation of vatha1. There is sufficient explanation regarding the same. But
nowadays in clinical practise, we are not focussing on this area for diagnosis as well as management strategies.
But while managing certain clinical conditions like Parkinson’s disease, Motor neurone disease, Multiple sclerosis
etc. one will definitely think of the concept of avarana discussed in Ayurveda2. This paper aims at narrating the
various aspects of avarana are and to discuss them on the light of clinical manifestations.
Background: Parkinsonism is one of the commonest degenerative conditions encountered in a neurology clinic3.
It is a cause of physical as well as mental disability among the aged4. In this paper, Parkinsonism is taken into
consideration as an example of avarana. The symptomatology is tried to be explained from the avarana point of
view, with the most possible management.
Aims: 1) To study the concept of Avarana in detail
2) To study about the efficacy of the principles of management of avarana in neurodegenerative
conditions like Parkinsonism
Setting: VPSV Ayurveda College and hospital, Kottakkal, Kerala, India
This is an early attempt for indepth knowledge of avarana and also is being tried to explain the
management strategies as per the stage or type of avarana. Management including sodhana and rasayanas are
also being discussed here5.
Result and Conclusion: Avarana is one of the concepts in Ayurveda to be reviewed in detail. It helps us to explain
the pathogenesis of many degenerative conditions like Parkinsonism. The detailed management after assessing
the avarana in detail helps in a more effective management. From the clinical efficacy of the principles of
Avarana, we can also infer the pathogenesis of such diseases like Parkinsonism
Key words: Avarana, Kaphavrita vatha, Parkinsonism, Rasayana
Key message: Avarana is a very interesting mechanism of pathogenesis explained in Ayurvedic treatises. It is also
one of the least understood concepts among the basic mechanisms of Ayurvedic fundamentals. While studying
avarana in detail, we are able to approach diseases like Parkinsonism and also able to perform a more worthy
management clinically. This explains the eternal relevance of the basic concepts in Ayurveda.

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How to Cite
M, D. J. (2016). CLINICAL APPROACH TO AVARAN A WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO PARKINSONISM. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Science Archive, 1(1). Retrieved from
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