Clinical Evaluation of Virechana in the Management of Metabolic Syndrome- An Observational, Clinical Trial

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Nidhi Chaudhary Lotika Bharti Alok Kumar Srivastava


INTRODUCTION- Metabolic Syndrome is a combination of several cardio-metabolic risk factors including Obesity, Hyperglycemia, hypertension & Dyslipidemia. They all collectively lead to the increase of the risk of Cardio-vascular disease. Over the years it has been associated with endothelial dysfunction, raised markers of chronic inflammation, insulin resistance and clotting dysregulation. Associated is an increase in obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiac disease, stroke and death. As per Ayurveda, Virechana is the Samshodhana therapy that can be effective for treating metabolic syndrome.
AIMS & OBJECTIVES- To evaluate the role of VirechanaKarma in the management of Metabolic Syndrome.
MATERIAL & METHODS- The present study is a part of large scale population prospective, Observational Study. It is an Open Clinical Controlled Trial, with N=30, to be taken for this present study who were obese, under age group of 20-60 fulfilling criteria for inclusion, were  included in the analysis of the present thesis.
RESULTS & CONCLUSION-Overall improvement of the VirechanaKarma in each parameter in which maximum improvement was observed in the Systolic Blood pressure i.e 87%, followed by 82.3% in Diastolic Blood pressure. In Blood Sugar, the percentile change was found 23.9%.
High Density Lipoprotein and Triglycerides has almost equal 37.7% and 37.6% respectively. In waist Circumference, relief was observed 78.8% percent and in weight, least percent relief was noticed i.e 6.5%.
KEY WORDS: Metabolic Syndrome, Cardio-Vascular Disease, Virechana.

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How to Cite
Chaudhary, N., Bharti, L., & Srivastava, A. K. (2022). Clinical Evaluation of Virechana in the Management of Metabolic Syndrome- An Observational, Clinical Trial. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Science Archive, 10(1). Retrieved from