P. Wadhwani College of Pharmacy, Yavtmal

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V.R. Tagalpallewar A.V. Chandewar


Anxiety is an exaggerated feeling of uncertainty and fear. Anxiety is refers to the experience of nervousness, panic restlessness and tension. Neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine, noradrenaline and GABA generates anxiety. Now a day’s serotonin modulators and        benzodiazapines are available to alleviate anxiety. Generally in adults, anxiety disorders are the most common class of mental disorder with a 12- month prevalence rate of 24.9%. The most common disorder was Specific phobias and social anxiety disorder. As compard with adults aged between 18 to 64, the lifetime prevalence was generally less for panic disorder, GAD, and SAD, but specific phobia and agoraphobia without history of panic attacks were most common in adolescents between age of 13 to 17 years. The present paper discusses anti anxiety potential of Albizia procera leaves. Albizia procera leaves contains flavonoids,steroids,tannins, saponins  and alkaloids.Flavonoids were the  major constituent  for the anxiolytic activity.The effect of methanolic extract of Albizia procera leaves(200mg/kg and 400mg/kg, orally, daily, 21 days) on anxiolytic activity was assessed by using Modified elevated plus maze apparatus and Light-dark box apparatus. Anxiety activity in rats was induced by restraint stress.The results shows that Open arm entries were increased and closed arm entries were decreased in modified elevated plus maze apparatus(MEPMA). Light box entries were increased and dark box entries were decreased  in light and dark box model(LDB). Thus we can conclude that methanolic extract of albizia procera leaves exhibits significant anxiolytic activity at low dose (200mg/kg) and high dose (400mg/kg). Thus Albizia procera leaves is a promising herbal option in the pharmaceutical world.
Keywords: Albizia procera,Anxiety, Elevated plus maze apparatus, light and dark box apparatus, Anxiolytic activity

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How to Cite
Tagalpallewar, V., & Chandewar, A. (2022). P. Wadhwani College of Pharmacy, Yavtmal. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Science Archive, 10(5). Retrieved from http://ijpba.in/index.php/ijpba/article/view/299