Immediate Effects of HVLA Thrust of Thoracic Spine on Chest Expansion and Lung Function in Healthy Subjects- Experimental Design

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Sumit Asthana Arif Rizvi


Background: Mobility of joints of the thoracic spine and rib cage influence chest expansion and lung function both in healthy subjects.
Objectives: To investigate the effects of thoracic spine thrust manipulation on circumference measurements of chest expansion and lung function in healthy subjects.
Design: A pre-test and post-test experimental design
Method: 100 healthy subjects received a single session of thoracic spine thrust manipulation (TSTM). All subjects  were evaluated before and after intervention  through inch tape of the chest expansion in cm at middle and lower ribcage and spirometry measures of FVC (Force Vital Capacity), FEV1 (Force Expiratory Volume per 1 sec) and FEV1/FVC%.
Results: Thoracic Spine Thrust Manipulation (TSTM) produced significant changes on measures of chest expansion at 4thintercostals space (-1.190 ± 0.720 cm), Xiphoid process (-1.300 ± 1.586 cm) and also on FVC (-0.27880 ± 0.280L), FEV1 (-0.24450 ± 0.330L), FEV1/FVC% (-1.97910 ± 3.196L).
Conclusions: TSTM had significant influence on chest expansion and improved of the spirometric measures of lung function.
Implications: To be performed in patients with cardiopulmonary disorders on large sample size with long-term follow-up studies and population-based clinical trials.
Key words: Thoracic manipulation, Thoracic expansion, Spinal manual therapy, Pulmonary Rehabilitation

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How to Cite
Asthana, S., & Rizvi, A. (2022). Immediate Effects of HVLA Thrust of Thoracic Spine on Chest Expansion and Lung Function in Healthy Subjects- Experimental Design. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Science Archive, 10(1). Retrieved from