Soft tissues are nonepithelial extra skeletal tissue, present nearly everywhere in the body. Benign soft tissue tumors were exceeds malignant tumors by a margin of about 100:1 in a hospital population. At least one third of benign tumors are lipomas. Biological activity of these tumors varies from benign localized tumors, to benign locally aggressive. Clinically diagnosing soft tissue tumors is very difficult, but essential for prognostic guide and for further course of management. The material included incisional and excisional biopsies of various soft tissue tumors.
Total soft tissue tumors 232 constituted 2.08 % out of 11157 biopsies. Benign soft tissue tumors constituted 9.91% of all benign tumors. It formed 85.78% of all soft tissue tumors. Peak age of incidence was third decade. Female preponderance, with a male to female ratio 1:1.04. The benign soft tissue tumor showed predilection for trunk and Head Neck region. Most common histological group was the adipose tumor, which accounted for 51.4% of all soft tissue tumors. The commonest was lipoma of all benign tumors of soft tissue followed by vascular tumors.