Encouraging Young Learners to Learn English Through Stories

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Veerpal . Brij Govind


Reading is a crucial skill for every language learner. Young students who are inspired to study English via narrative do so because they want to broaden their horizons, spark their early excitement, and increase their knowledge of the rich usage of the language. There's no denying the importance of stories in helping kids learn to read and write. Children's development as whole people is fostered via reading aloud to them, not only in terms of academic achievement (Ai Lian Kim, 2008). Learning to read at a young age is crucial. This article explores the benefits of using tales to engage and motivate students in learning English.
Keywords: Young learners, Reading, Learning English, Stories

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How to Cite
., V., & Govind, B. (2023). Encouraging Young Learners to Learn English Through Stories. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Science Archive, 11(5), 8-12. Retrieved from http://ijpba.in/index.php/ijpba/article/view/411