Evaluation of In-vivo antiulcer activity of Microspheres containing Adina cordifolia extract

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Prasad Pradeep Tagalpallewar OP Agrawal


The administration of Adina cordifolia extract significantly reduced ulcer formation and promoted healing in the treated animal models compared to controls. A notable decrease in ulcer area and depth was observed, accompanied by a reduction in oxidative stress markers and inflammatory responses. The extract demonstrated a protective effect on gastric mucosa, suggesting its potential as a therapeutic agent for ulcer management. Adina cordifolia extract exhibits promising antilucer activity in vivo, indicating its potential for further development as a natural treatment option for ulcer-related conditions. Further studies, including clinical trials, are recommended to confirm its efficacy and safety in human subjects.

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How to Cite
Tagalpallewar, P. P., & Agrawal, O. (2023). Evaluation of In-vivo antiulcer activity of Microspheres containing Adina cordifolia extract. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Science Archive, 11(4), 70-74. Retrieved from http://ijpba.in/index.php/ijpba/article/view/525